How to De-Stress Your Mornings so You can Start Your Work day off Right
Updated: Mar 20, 2024
How to De-Stress your mornings so you can start you work day of right. Here are 8 tips to help you have more peace in the morning.
My Life has totally changed since Covid Started. They way I run my business is different, I work from home and my schedule has totally changed. I had been having a hard time starting my day off right, everything felt stressful. I was using different techniques to plan my day, and organize my time but it wasn't working. I was using my old techniques before my life changed and they were NOT WORKING!
If your life schedule has changed since Covid, weather you are working from home or in the office I am sure you can relate.
Starting your morning stressed out makes your whole day stressful and keeps you from being productive as you could be. Through some trial and error I have finally found my new groove and a way to have a calmer morning and a way less stressful work day. Here are 8 things I do to de-stress my mornings that have really helped me and I think will help you too:

1- Do a Quick clean up at night to De-stress your mornings so you can start your day off right.
If I try to rush in the morning to get ready, but the house is messy I get so stressed out right away. I cant quickly make breakfast if the kitchen counter has a bunch of things on it from the night before. Or try to find my keys under a pile of stuff.
So now every night I do a 10-15 min clean up. Picking things up and wiping things down so I can get ready with out having to clean something first thing in the morning. This has made me so much more calmer in the morning. Its a game changer! You should definitely try this. It's sometimes hard to be motivated after a long day, but it's so worth it in the morning.
2 -Prep the night before to De-stress your mornings and start your day off right.
Along with cleaning up I also do a quick prep for the morning. The old me used to meal plan and have everything ready for the whole week. That doesn't work for me anymore, it's too stressful to try to do the whole week. If you feel overwhelmed trying to meal plan for the week too, try what it do.
Now I just prep for the next day only and its way easier and saves me time in the morning. It helps me have a smooth morning while getting ready. I do things that might seem so easy and maybe not even worth it, but it really helps save minutes here and there in the morning and those minutes add up!
The night before, I take a mental note of what's in the fridge and decided what to make for breakfast, then I chop up anything I will need for breakfast in the morning. I will do the same for that days lunch. I also fill up our water bottles for the morning, and I set out what ever dishes and cookware I need to make breakfast. When you wake up in the morning everything is sitting there waiting for you and it feels so good!
3- Take a shower or bath the night before to De-stress your mornings so you can start you day off right.
I used to not like washing my hair at night because I didn't want to sleep with my hair wet, but I learned some new tricks that make it easier.
Not only does a night time shower or bath save you time in the morning but it also calms your nerves the night before. This helps you get a better nights sleep. And a calm relaxing nights sleep makes for a much better morning the next day.
To speed up drying time so I don't go to bed with wet hair, I learned how to wet plop with a microfiber towel. "wet plopping" is considered a curly hair technique and there's different versions of how to do it, but honestly it can be done on all hair types.
It will help give you volume at the root, keep your hair from getting frizzy and help it dry much faster. Who doesn't want that?
Here's my supper simple version of wet plopping:
step1: After combing/detangling and applying your hair products grab a microfiber towel and gently squeeze your hair do get rid off the excess water. Do not rough up, shake or scrub your hair with the towel!
step2: Grab a second microfiber towel, flip your head upside down and wrap your hair with the towel gathering the ends of the towel at the top of your head. If your hair is med- long length pull the ends of your hair that are the towel in a scrunchy so it's one big hair/towel pony tail on top of your head. If your hair is short use a microfiber turban instead. twist the end of the turban and secure it to the back of your head with the hook/button and loop on the turban. I have some suggestions below for microfiber towels and turbans. You can click on each to find out more info on them.
step3: Wait 15-60min depending on your hair length and density. Take out the towel. Your hair will be 70-80% dry now. you can go ahead and use a hair dryer or let it air dry before bed.
4- Take a moment of Silence Each Morning to De-stress your mornings so you can start you day off right.
Before just jumping into the stress of the day and hurrying to get ready, take a moment to ground yourself and mentally prepare yourself for the day.
One of my favorite books is called "The Mircle Morning" I read it a few years ago when I first started to work Independently renting a chair at a hair salon. It talks about 5 key things you can do each morning to set yourself up for a successful day.
The first thing it mentions is Silence. You can do this in different ways. Sometimes I just close my eyes and breath. Other times I take a few minutes to stretch.
The main thing is, before you start thinking about all the things you have to do, give your self a minute to pause. It only takes just a few minutes, but it really helps me to set the tone for the day.
You should really give this a try, and if you would like it check out the other steps to the miracle morning. You can click here or on the photo below to check out this awesome book:
5- Simplify your to do list to De-stress your mornings so you can start you day off right.
I use to have all kinds of to do lists for the day, week and month and loved tracking goals and numbers in my paper planner. I was very detailed with bullet points and everything!
Once my life did a 180 that got too stressful and complicated. If having a planner and organizing every hour of your day makes you stressed try this: Write down your top 3 to-dos for the day,that's it!
I know we all have way more than 3 things to do for the day but, looking at a long list made me feel so overwhelmed before the day even started, and I know I'm not the only one!
So, I started to write one master list for work and one for home. Then each morning I will look at my list and decide what are the top 3 things I need to get done that are the most important for that day.
When I do this I have a sense of determination and accomplishment to get those things done for the day and I no longer feel stressed looking at my calendar!
I've tried lots of different planners through out the years, but now that I've been working from home non of my old planners were working.
So I made my own! I made a weekly desk planner that is simple to use. There is no wasted space and it's easy to customize it for your needs.
You can plan both your work and home life in this one planner. Click the photo below so you can download and print your own FREE copy now!
6- Stream line your skin care routine to De-stress your mornings so you can start you day off right.
Along with all my other night time preparations I do most of my skin care routine at night. This helps me keep it really quick and simple in the morning. Save your face masks, scrubs and creams before bed when you have time to relax and do your self care.
In the morning I do a light wash/rinse, apply a day serum (my favorite is a vitamin c serum: I talk about this in my blog: how to get glowing skin) and a tinted moisturizer. That's it 3 things!
The tinted moisturizer is my favorite because it gives me just enough moisture and a little color. It's the perfect 2 in 1 product to help me speed though my morning routine.
7- Use 2 in 1 products
Along with my tinted moisturizer I use other 2 in 1 products. They make my morning so much easier. You need to try some of these! You save time and still look great! It's a win, win.
If you wash your hair in the morning or at night you'll appreciate saving time doing your hair. I use Hair Story's New Wash hair cleanser. This is a professional hair care product that takes the place of your shampoo and conditioner.
I style my hair with Hair Story's Hair Balm which is a leave in conditioner and air dry styling cream all in one! I have saved so much time doing my hair with just using these two products. Click here to check out my blog review on New Wash. Also,watch my video review below.
For make up, my ultimate 2 in 1 is my Glo Skin Beauty Contour Kit. I love it! It comes with two shadow and two highlight colors and has instructions right on the container. But the best part is that the colors can also be used as eye-shadow colors!
If I had to only keep one make up pallet and throw out all the others this is the one I'd choose!
I use it practically everyday because the colors are beautiful natural shades. And when I need to hop on a zoom meeting I use the same kit to do some quick contouring to make my face look slimmer on camera. Click here to check out the Contour kit:
8- Change your make up Routine to De-stress your mornings so you can start you day off right.
Even though I work from home now I still want to look and feel good and ready to start the work day. But since I am sitting alone in front of my computer while my baby sleeps I am not doing a full face like I did when I went into the salon. (And there is absolutely no time to do a full face of makeup with a baby in the morning!)
Even if you don't have a baby like I do (I started latter in life) messing around with your make up in the morning can be stressful. You need a quick simple routine! Something that looks professional, polished and is easy to do!
My favorite products for this type of makeup routine are Glo Skin Beauty. Their colors are classic, high quality and also look great in front of a camera for your zoom meetings. Check out Glo's makup here
I wrote a blog about doing makeup for zoom meetings with Glo's makeup (you can click here to check it out). But, even if your work day doesn't' include video conferencing this is still a great makeup routine. I use it practically every day because its easy to do and gives a polished natural beauty look.
Check out my video below on how to do this make up look, I also explain how to use the contour kit in the video!
There are so many things you can do to de-stress your mornings. Even just doing one or two of these tips can really help you start your day off on the right foot.
Sometimes we think that little things like a new makeup product or taking a few minutes to breath might seem silly, but honestly any little thing that can help save just a few minutes and put a smile on your face really goes a long way towards your daily mental health and having a positive stress free work day.
I really hope you try some of these tips. Please let me know below in the comments what you tried, or are going to try and how you liked it. Also if you have any other ideas for a stress free morning please share them in the comments too.
As always thank you so much for reading, and please save this article so you can try some of the other tips latter. Also, please share this with a co-worker or friend because we all could use a little help in the mornings!

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