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Summer Feet & Epsom Salts

Writer's picture: Tiffani NelsonTiffani Nelson

Updated: Mar 11, 2024

Yay!!! Summer is here! I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine today. Wow, did June fly bye or what? I hope July will settle down and feel like a real summer! I just did a girls day with my mom. We got our toes done in a cute place in Milwaukee called Milwaukee Nail Bar. My feet feel so good and my toes are so cute now! I can finally put on my sandals! So, how are your toesies doing? If you haven't booked a summer pedi yet, don't wait to long! Before you know it, fall will be here and we'll all be putting our socks back on. (Click here to request a Pedi appointment)

If you read my last newsletter, you know that I'm now including epsom salts in all pedicure services. What do epsom salts do? In short, they make your feet feel fabulous. But, lets talk more about why they are so beneficial, and other ways you can use them at home.

Epsom salt is actually magnesium sulfate, it is not the same as table salt. Magnesium sulfate is a natural anti-inflammatory. When you do a soak with it, it absorbs in the skin and helps ease joint and muscle pain. It can also help (not cure) foot and toe fungal infections and other skin problems. I've personally done many bath soaks with epsom salts and my muscles always feel so much better after. I've included some links below if you want to read more about the benefits of epsom salts and how you can use them at home. Or a simple google search will give you lots of info too.

If you want total body relaxation by taking a bath at home, bath bombs made with epsom salts that also include essential oils give you relaxing aromatherapy and silky skin when you're done. My absolute favorite bath bombs are made by Perennial Soaps. They are handcrafted, vegan, palm oil free and are located in Racine! You can pick up some of these bath bombs right here in Kenosha at Body Wise Wellness and Spa.

Info and Ingredients of my favorite bath bombs:

I hope everyone has an awesome summer! Please take time to take care of your feet, for your health, and so your toes can look cute in your new sandals! Also please know that all information here reflects my personal thoughts and feelings. I am not a medical expert and I am in no way endorsed by any of the products or companies mentioned. I just like to share things that I know have made my body feel better and hopefully will make you feel the same too.

Lots of Love-Tiffani

Epsom Salt Info Links:

Here's some pics of our girls day. You know I love a good girls day!!

Toes ready for sandals!! Summer here we come!

No make up selfie, but what ever, I was there to relax!

totally cute space right?! If you can't get in with me, and will be in Milwaukee, I totally recommend them. Clean, cute, skilled professionals and they're open on Sunday!

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About the Author:

Hi Mama!


I'm Tiffani,
I am a hairstylist and salon suite owner turned blogger. I am a lover of all things heath and wellness and I am a planner enthusiast!

As a new mom I decided to leave my old business behind and start my new business online. I loved being home with my babe but I was alone a lot!

I didn’t know how to put it all together. I had no mentor and no peers to ask my questions. It was hard!

It took me a while to finally figure it all out......

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